Our field layout service utilizes a Trimble Robotic Total Station to relay information from a BIM model directly to the field. The BIM process is an involved process and using a point layout device is the next step to ensure that the time spent modeling and coordinating is taken advantage of by carrying that information out to the field. Below are some of the areas where field layout can be beneficial to our clients.
Hanger Points
Sleeve/Core Locations
Architectural Wall Layout
MEP Layout
As-Built Checks
Point of Connection Verification
This process begins during the coordination phase when hangers are populated and coordinated with the various trades. From there, each hanger is tagged and scheduled to provide all the information that the end installer will need. This is all incorporated into the end deliverable, a detailed install drawing that is sent to our client upon sign-off of an area. Finally, this can be sent to the field via our Trimble Robotic Total Station.

Field layout can also be utilized to efficiently layout all pipe penetrations from underground services. After site control has been established by the surveyor, the Trimble RTS unit is able to then precisely locate sleeves, pipe penetrations, and any applicable architectural features for reference.
A floor plan and/or schedule is then provided to the client depicting the associated points that were shot and located in the field. The Trimble RTS unit can also produce a report giving the tolerance that each point was shot within. This process, if done correctly and upfront can streamline the underground installation process for the contractor.